Cites sobre educació a punt per twitter
“Learning starts with failure; the first failure is the beginning of education”
John Hersey tweet
“L’educació no és ‘preparació per a la vida’; és vida mateixa”. (J. Dewey) @UNESCO
— Centre UNESCO de Catalunya (@Unescocat) 14 de gener de 2018
“Kids aren’t empowered by technology, they’re empowered by doing powerful things. And to do that, we need teachers who are empowered to establish an environment for that to flourish” @smartinez
— Eduhub (@eduhubcat) 27 de febrer de 2018
"Mistakes – call them unexpected learning experiences"
Richard Bach— Eduhub (@eduhubcat) 17 de març de 2018
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
– Henry Ford